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House Bill 6

Verbal Testimony on HB 6

Good evening, members of the committee. My name is Sabrina Gonzalez Saucedo, and I am the Director of Public Policy & Advocacy for The Arc of Texas respectfully testifying against HB 6. I believe that we share the same goal of improving school safety and creating safe school environments for all students and staff and while I understand the intent behind this bill, I would like to highlight some unintended consequences that could disproportionately impact students with disabilities.

Our main concerns with HB 6 is that it expands removal options without adequate safeguards or due process, increasing the risk of discriminatory discipline against students with disabilities. The bill replaces clear definitions of violent offenses with vague language, and without clearly defining what constitutes โ€œrepeated or significant disruptionโ€, it could unintentionally lead to increased punitive discipline of students with disabilities. Additionally, we are concerned that the bill removes limits on how long a student can be placed in in-school suspension, which could lead to extended removal to segregated settings without addressing the underlying causes of behaviors. This further isolates students with disabilities from their peers and limits their access to education.

We recognize the challenge of balancing school safety with the diverse needs of students. To ensure HB 6 achieves its intended goal, we urge the committee to invest in crisis prevention training for educators, ensuring staff are equipped with de-escalation and intervention techniques. To support this, we recommend statewide funding for implementation and investing in behavioral health specialists on every campus to conduct functional behavioral assessments, develop intervention plans, and provide ongoing support to students and teachers.

By prioritizing prevention over punitive measures, we can enhance school safety while safeguarding the educational rights of students with disabilities. I urge the committee to preserve key protections and consider these recommendations. Thank you for your time and for your commitment to Texas students.