Share Your Story

When self-advocates share their experience of living with an intellectual and/or developmental disability (IDD) in Texas, it helps people and policymakers understand your reality.
By highlighting challenges and proposing solutions, self-advocates can influence decisions shaping statewide policies, systems, services, and supports.
- An ally is a friend, family member, or supporter of someone with IDD. Stories from allies play an essential role in strengthening our fight for a better quality of life for Texans with IDD.
- A self-advocate is a person who lives with a disability and shares their perspectives as a way of advocating for public policies that create positive change for the disability community.
Thank you for your willingness to share. We know it’s not always easy to talk about these things. We take great care in listening to every story submitted and promise to be good stewards of your information. By submitting this form, you give The Arc of Texas staff permission to contact you should we need additional details. You will also be subscribed to periodic emails from The Arc of Texas. You can unsubscribe at any time.