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Senate Bill 1

Good afternoon, Chair Huffman and members of the Committee. My name is Michael Clarke, and I am the Deputy Director of Public Policy for The Arc of Texas. Thank you for the opportunity to speak on the need to fully fund Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services in Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) budget.

VR helps Texans with disabilities secure meaningful jobs, strengthening both our workforce and economy. For every $1 Texas invests, we receive $3.69 in federal fundsโ€”yet due to insufficient state funding, thousands of Texans with disabilities remain unemployed. Last year, Texas returned nearly $70 million in unused federal VR dollarsโ€”funds that could have provided critical job training and employment support.

We know VR works. In our written testimony, we highlighted Katie Amatangelo story, Katie was born at one pound and was later diagnosed with autism. She used VR services to gain confidence and job skills. With support like adaptive driverโ€™s training and assistive technology, sheโ€™s earning a 4.0 in her Master of Fine Arts program and recently secured a paid internship at Austin PBS.

The Arc of Texas urges the Legislature to fully fund TWCโ€™s requestโ€”$64.5 million for FY 2026 and $36.7 million for FY 2027. This investment expands access to employment services and strengthens our labor market. Texans with disabilities deserve the opportunity to work, contribute, and thrive. Thank you for your time. Iโ€™m happy to answer any questions.